Mark Naples
Managing Partner, WIT Strategy
(Editorial Board)
Mark started WIT Strategy in October 2002 after having been CMO, Director of Investor Relations, and Privacy Officer for 24/7 Real Media. This is the second iteration of WIT Strategy, which he’d originally started in 1994 with a focus on Senate Commerce Committee and FTC issues. The passage of the Telecom Reform Act in 1996, which he’d lobbied for on behalf of the MFJ/Baby Bells, effectively paved the way for the commercial web. Mark soon became managing editor of AOL.com. By 2000, he was CMO at Real Media and he testified before that same Senate Committee on web privacy matters in 2001.
Since founding WIT Strategy a year later, he has led strategic efforts on behalf of more than 450 companies, including dozens of corporate and product launches, complete company re-positioning campaigns, and more successful crisis suppression than anyone else in the business. A longtime contributor to MediaPost and iMedia Connection and a proud board member of the TD Foundation and Puentes De Salud, Mark holds a BA in Religion from Haverford College.